Photography Composition Tips - Using Horizon Lines

Composition - Horizon Lines


Horizon lines are an important part of composing a good image. First you need to be able to easily identify your horizon line. A horizon line is the point at which the sky separates land or water. Let’s take a closer look.

Each of the red arrows in the images below identify the horizon line.


When shooting images such a landscape without a primary subject, make the composition interesting by avoid having the horizon line in the center of the photograph. Try composing the image so that the horizon line is in upper third or the lower third of the image.


You can use this same technique in portrait images as well.


When shooting portraits, compose your subject so that their neckline or other major joints (such as elbows, hips and knees). The other major rule of how to use horizon lines with portraits is to avoid letting the horizon line “slice” through their head.


  • Take one landscape photo and position the horizon line in the lower third of the frame.

  • Take one portrait photo and properly frame the subject so that the horizon line isn’t intersecting any major body parts.

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